Welcome to House Classics!
This is the first in a new series of mini blog posts about some of the records that have shaped my love of house music over the years, and that I consider to be classics!
These are the kind of tracks that I play during the “Do You Remember House?” section of the radio show and, just like that feature, I will be posting house jams from the 80’s right through the 00’s.
So, what better way to kick off than with a track that hold’s a very special place in my heart.
This fires up fond memories of illegal raves around the Cambridge area of the UK during the late 80’s, very early 90’s, for me. It’s a track I have loved since the moment I first heard it and encapsulates everything about the rave scene at the time. Sampled vocals, killer piano hook, vicious Casio CZ101 style organ, tearing beats and a wicked acid bassline.
This record was so influential on me that I even made a little homage to it on my Ethnicity Part 3 single, check the vocal ;)
Produced by Canada’s Ron Allen and released on Bigshot in 1989, this track has really stood the test of time for me, and sounds as fresh today as it did 25 years ago.
G x
!! EDIT !! EDIT !! EDIT !!
By the wonders of modern technology, the writer & producer of this immense track, Ron Allen, got to see this post and has written a short piece about the record’s creation, including what studio equipment he used, on his own blog.
Check it out RIGHT HERE and mad love out to Ron x
Written by R. Allen
Produced by Ron Allen
Executive Producer : Gerry Fumo
Label : Bigshot Records (Canada)
Released : 1989
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