If you’re a producer thinking about making some classic speed garage / jungle vibes, or just after an original oldskool effect, AKAIZER is one little app that you simply can’t live without.
These days, time stretching is pretty bloody good, it’s still not perfect, but it’s way better than it used to be. Although the technology has improved the overall results drastically, it’s also lost the ability to create something rather unique, something that was used & abused to great effect by lots of dance music producers, myself included, in the 90’s.
Fear not, AKAIZER is here to save the day.
It recreates the same kind of time stretching technique (cyclic), that the Akai S range of samplers use, resulting in that famous “metallic” effect when used to extreme.
It’s much simpler to let you hear an example instead of trying to describe it, so get your ears around this short demo. Original sample followed by the Time Stretched version…
It’s available for both Mac & PC platforms, as well as CLI versions for Mac, PC & Linux, and it couldn’t be easier to use (see screenshots of the Mac & PC versions below). All you have to do is play around with the time factor, preview it, and when you’re happy with the results save it!
It also does pitch shifting, which makes it a really handy tool for re-tuning a sample without having to import it into your DAW.
One last thing you should know – It’s completely FREE!
If you do find it useful, please consider a small donation to the creator of this brilliant bit of software, Ben Burchett, a donate button is located on his website.
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